Short Fiction

I write horror and weird short fiction and sometimes it gets published. You can stay up to date with what I'm publishing and how to read it over on my blog. Below are the stories I have published or are forthcoming in reverse chronological order.


Up the stairs, take a left, go around the corner, and enter the second blue door: that’s me. I have a narrow window, which is my greatest luxury, but besides that, I am like all the other cells in this prison. White cinder block walls bear down on the platform bed with a sagging mattress, and the smell of sweat and shit and disinfectant seeps through the door gaps. Over the years, many people have watched the sun rise and set through my window, waiting for the day when I would finish feeding, and they would be bundled out, led down the stairs and into the brown brick room where they would meet their end.

"Deathbed", in which a death row cell recounts its memories of the inhabitants it has housed over the years, was first published in 2024 in Howls from the Scene of the Crime edited by Timaeus Bloom and Jessica Peter. You can purchase the anthology on, Amazon, or wherever you usually buy books.

"Skeleton Bird Song"

When the first bird emerged, my mother told me, “You’re a woman, now.”

My friends’ mothers had said similar things to them, but mine hadn’t cared about blood swirling in a toilet. She hardly cared when I spent a whole day kneeling on the linoleum floor and dry heaving into the toilet, until she poked her head in at the end of the night and saw the ink dark feathers floating amongst the bile.

"Skeleton Bird Song", about a woman and her mother who regurgitate live birds to repopulate the forest, was first published in 2024 in Mother Knows Best edited by Lindy Ryan. You can purchase the anthology on, Amazon, or wherever you usually buy books.

"If Thine Eye Offend Thee"

“Don’t be silly, of course you can ask about it!” said the woman with the rotting eye. “Don’t worry, I’m totally used to it. Everyone’s always like, ‘Oh, that’s so crazy, how’d you pick that?’ I mean, it’s really rare, so I get it. Obviously parasitical bonding is so unique, so it’s different for everyone, but I just don’t get the ‘modest’ placements or whatever. I’m proud of mine. I want everyone to see it. Have you ever considered applying for one?”

You haven’t. The acceptance rate is low, and you’re not a fan of the mandatory ten-year lifespan you’d have to agree to.

"Anterior Skies", my first published short fiction and an experimental piece about a sci-fi parasite, was first published in 2023 in Anterior Skies: Volume 1 edited by C.F. Page. You can purchase the anthology on, Amazon, or wherever you usually buy books.